What if Black businesses reached parity with non-Black businesses?

Status quoParity0200,000400,000600,000800,0001,000,000124,004930,222Number of Black businesses
Status quoParity$0$200$400$600$800$128$804Total revenue (billions)
Status quoParity05001,0001,5002,0002,5001,2082,792Jobs (thousands)
Status quoParity$0$20$40$60$36$62Total wages (billions)
Status quoParity$0$2,000$4,000$6,000$128$6,033Total revenue (billions)
Status quoParity05,00010,00015,00020,0001,20820,941Jobs (thousands)
Status quoParity0200,000400,000600,000800,0001,000,000124,004930,222Number of Black businesses
Status quoParity$0$200$400$600$800$128$804Total revenue (billions)
Status quoParity05001,0001,5002,0002,5001,2082,792Jobs (thousands)
Status quoParity$0$20$40$60$36$62Total wages (billions)
Status quoParity$0$2,000$4,000$6,000$128$6,033Total revenue (billions)
Status quoParity05,00010,00015,00020,0001,20820,941Jobs (thousands)

There are 124,004 Black businesses, accounting for 2.2% of employer businesses. If Black businesses accounted for 14.2% employer firms (equivalent to the Black population), there would be 806,218 more Black businesses.

Currently, Black businesses bring in average revenues of $1,031,021, compared to $6,485,334 for non-Black businesses. If Black businesses increased their average revenue to the level of non-Black businesses, it would increase total revenue in Black businesses by $676,356,621,618.

Black businesses create an average of 10 jobs per firm, compared to 23 for non-Black businesses. If the average employees per Black business increased to 23, it would create approximately 1.6 million jobs (1,583,268).

Black businesses pay their employees an average of $29,882, compared to non-Black businesses’ average pay of $51,357. If Black businesses paid as much as non-Black businesses, then those employees would see an increase in pay by approximately $25 billion ($25,947,313,541).

If the number of Black businesses matched the population size and the revenue of each of those firms matched non-Black businesses’ revenue, then the total revenue of Black businesses would increase by $5.9 trillion ($5,904,952,124).

If the number of Black businesses matched the population size and the employees per firm matched non-Black businesses, it would create more than 19 million jobs (19,732,593).